2,590 research outputs found


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    Rose Seidler House is a particularly impressive house that is witness to the strength of the Modern Movement world wide. The neoplastic reference is obvious and it is a personal construction of the whole architectural space. From the environment the house stands on the articulation of the inner-outer spaces and we may easily realise that we are inside an impressive architectural masterpiece. Yet, the place where Rose Seidler lived surrounded by the upper most comfortable environment found its new destiny, a museum. Thus, like other architectural masterpieces, its perfection made the place impossible to live in. The touristic attraction now dictates the destiny of the house. And writing about it from a personal point of view may mean that we may treat architecture in general as tourists looking for pure architectural experience. Thus, tourism does not only frame important issues such as new uses from old buildings and cultural heritage perspectives, but it can also give us a particular view of everything and anything. Thus, we may tend to operate within a world made up of partial limited views that, nonetheless, we read as universal

    Da Natureza do conceito de avaliação pedagógica de alunos do 1.º ciclo com necessidades educativas especiais

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    Com este artigo, pretende-se divulgar parte de um estudo de doutoramento de natureza qualitativa sobre a avaliação para as aprendizagens de alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE). Após um breve enquadramento teórico apresentamos os resultados e as conclusões relativas ao pensamento de vários atores educativos no que respeita ao conceito de avaliação quando estão em causa alunos com NEE. Posteriormente confrontam-se esses resultados com o que é expresso em documentos do Agrupamento de Escolas onde foi realizado o estudo e com perspetivas teóricas atuais. Conclui-se que se atribui ao conceito de avaliação natureza diversa. Significados que oscilam entre abordagens essencialmente classificativas e de medida e abordagens que reconhecem a avaliação enquanto processo em que se desenvolvem interações complexas, eminentemente relacionais e comsignificados multidimensionais. Também emerge alguma tensão entre um discurso do apropriado e narrativas do que na realidade é concretizado.Abstrat With this article, we intend to disclose part of a PhD study of qualitative nature on the assessment for learning of students with Special Educational Needs (SEN). So, after a brief theoretical framework we present the results and conclusions concerning the thought of various educational actors with regard to the concept of assessment with SEN students are concerned. Subsequently, those results are faced with what is expressed in documents of the group of schools where the study was conducted and with current theoretical perspectives. We conclude that the concept of assessment assigns diverse nature. Meanings that oscillate between classifications and essentially measure approaches with assessment approaches that recognize the assessment while act developed in complex interactions, eminently relational and with multidimensional meanings. Also emerges some tension between a speech concerning the appropriate and narratives than it actually is reality.Résumé Dans cet article, nous prétendons divulguer une partie d’une étude de doctorat de nature qualitative sur l'évaluation pour l'apprentissage des élèves ayant des Besoins Éducatifs Spéciaux (BES). Après un bref cadre théorique, nous présentons les résultats et les conclusions concernant la pensée de divers acteurs éducatifs en ce qui concerne le concept d'évaluation lorsqu’il s’agit d’élèves ayant des BES. Par la suite, ces résultats sont mis en regard avec ce qui est exprimé dans les documents du groupe scolaire où l'étude a été menée et avec des perspectives théoriques actuelles. Il se conclut que le concept d'évaluation se revêt de nature diverse. Significations qui oscillent entre des approches, essentiellement, de classification et mesure et des approches qui reconnaissent l’évaluation en tant que processus durant lequel se développent des interactions complexes, éminemment relationnelles et multidimensionnelles. Emergent aussi des tensions entre un discours de l’approprié et un récit de ce qui en réalité est atteint

    Cultural Idiosyncrasies and Preservation Challenges in the Indo-Portuguese Catholic Religious Architecture of Goa (India)

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    The Goan Catholic religious architecture is undoubtedly a unique and valuable transcultural heritage, which needs to be understood and preserved. For four and a half centuries, during the Portuguese administration, this heritage was conserved following Western premises, moderated by the local influences. With the integration of Goa into India, the preservation became under the Indian cultural influence, and this fact has brought some changes. Therefore, issues and idiosyncrasies concerning transculturality, the meaning of heritage and authenticity among different cultures (in this case, Portuguese culture and Indian cultures) will be discussed, including the debate on the heritage preservation in Goa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    "Tupi or not Tupi" versus "Casa Portuguesa": Friction between Lúcio Costa and Raul Lino in Auriverde Jornada (or the debate that might have taken place on Identity and Heritage in Architecture)

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    In the book Auriverde Jornada, Raul Lino recounts his meeting with Lúcio Costa in Rio de Janeiro in 1935. That brief shared moment, their personal convictions in relation to architecture and the affinities and divergences that unite/distance them serve as the point of departure for a comparative analysis of their professional journey in the sphere of heritage safeguarding. In fact, as well as landmarks in the architectural landscape of their respective countries, Lino and Costa were also towering figures in the heritage pathway, taking different directions but also sometimes moving in parallel. The animated debate between Lino and Costa on the spirit of modern architecture functions as a catalyst for the present essay, which encompasses a wider problematic: the construction of identity in architecture, the idiosyncrasies of the Modern Movement and the patrimonialization of architecture in Portugal and Brazil, as well as the relations, influences and repercussions that existed in this area between both countries between 1930 and 1960.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Why the Preservation of Transcultural Heritage?

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    In an era of generalized globalization, which leads to increased hybridity in practically all levels of our existence, cultural barriers also tend to shade off substantially. This has motivated a growing feeling of protection regarding several singular cultural heritage elements that are considered to be unique identity components of the societies and communities that created them, and of irreplaceable value. However, this globalization that began centuries ago through commercial, technological, cultural, political and war-related exchanges between different peoples, which have been gradually increasing in intensity to the present day, turned out to be itself the originator of a heritage that has been created precisely in the context of contacts between different cultures. This new transcultural heritage (or, in some way, hybrid heritage) presents a whole set of different complexities that, to a greater or lesser extent, hinders its safeguard and preservation for future generations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On the Trail of Baltazar Castro, a Portuguese Restorer in India

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    In 1950 the architect Baltazar Castro arrived to the Portuguese Estado da Índia, commissioned to co-ordinate restorations to its monuments. Baltazar Castro was the former director of the Service of National Monuments from the DGEMN (the Portuguese state entity responsible for public works). The Portuguese dictatorial regime of that period used the ‘great national Past’ as a propagandistic instrument and, therefore, the architectural monuments, to be easily recognized and identified, had to recover their ‘original pure shape’ by reintegrating and removing from them ‘spurious additions’ obstructing or deforming their perception. This kind of patrimonial intervention began to be criticized, especially from the end of the 1940s onwards, coinciding with Baltazar Castro’s retirement from the DGEMN and his commission into the Estado da Índia. This article focuses on Baltazar Castro’s interventions in India, reflecting his previous practice in Portugal: in some works, an idealized image was intended to be recreated for the monuments, causing their adulteration by acquiring an image that they never had before. His action had a huge impact on the architectural heritage of Old Goa, some of it classified today as World Heritage by UNESCO.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Obnova srednjeveških utrdb v času portugalskega diktatorskega režima (1926–1974)

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    In the Modern Age, most fortified manor houses in Portugal fell into ruin, due to the lack of dignified living conditions, the obsolescence of defensive structures, and the decline decay of aristocratic families. However, between 1933 and 1974, many ruined fortified manor houses were restored by the Portuguese dictatorial regime. The nationalist dictatorship of Estado Novo used heritage as an ideological instrument of propaganda. This proposal aims to analyse the context of the ideological restoration of medieval fortified manor houses by the dictatorial regime, addressing symbolisms, restoration actions, and the contextualisation of fortified manor houses in Portugal by focusing on particular case studies.V novem veku je večina srednjeveških gradov na Portugalskem propadla zaradi premajhnega udobja, zastarelosti obrambnih struktur in izumiranja plemiških družin. V letih od 1933– 1974 je portugalski diktatorski režim številne porušene gradove obnovil. Nacionalistična diktatura Estado Novo je kulturno dediščino uporabljala kot ideološki in- strument propagande. Namen članka je analizirati kontekst ideološke obnove srednjeveških gradov v času diktatorskega režima, pri čemer so obravnavani simbolika, ukrepi pri obnovah in kontekstualizacija gradov na Portugalskem s poudarkom na študijah posameznih primero

    «Reinstalling the Old City of Goa as an Eternal Light of Portuguese Spirituality»: The Plan for the Reintegration of Old Goa at the End of the Colonial Period

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    On the eve of the Indian invasion of the Portuguese Estado da Índia, or Portuguese India, a commission led by Ismael Gracias, created an idealized plan for the reintegration of Old Goa, the former capital of the Portuguese Eastern Empire. For the Portuguese dictatorial regime, the ambient of crisis caused by threats of an imminent Indian invasion generated a need to justify the Portuguese permanence in India. This would be accomplished by showing the world the secular history of the Portuguese presence in India, visible symbolically in the great architectural monuments of Old Goa. The Goan monuments of Portuguese influence thus became a powerful and ideological instrument of propaganda, validating the heritage activity on them. This article will focus on the intended plan of the Gracias commission, as well as its repercussions within the technical staff and the political leaders both in Portugal and in the Estado da Índia. Based on research of primary Portuguese sources, this article contributes to the little-studied and relatively unknown field of the preservation of the architectural heritage in the Portuguese Estado da Índia, and briefly compares this case with similar ones from the colonial period.Nas vésperas da invasão Indiana do Estado da Índia portuguesa, ou Índia Portuguesa, foi idealizado um plano para a reintegração de Velha Goa, a antiga capital do Império Português do Oriente, por uma comissão liderada por Ismael Gracias. Para o regime ditatorial português, o ambiente de crise, originado por ameaças de uma eminente invasão indiana, gerou a necessidade de justificar a permanência portuguesa na Índia. Tal desiderato seria alcançado mostrando ao mundo a secular história da presença portuguesa na Índia, simbolicamente visível na grandiosa arquitectura dos monumentos de Velha Goa. Os monumentos goeses com influência portuguesa tornaram-se assim poderosos instrumentos ideológicos de propaganda, validando as acções patrimoniais realizadas sobre eles. Este artigo pretende analisar o plano concebido pela comissão de Ismael Gracias, bem como as suas repercussões nos corpos técnicos e nas lideranças políticas de Portugal e do Estado da Índia. Baseando-se numa pesquisa em fontes primárias portuguesas, o artigo contribui para o conhecimento num campo ainda pouco estudado e relativamente desconhecido, o da preservação do património arquitectónico no Estado da Índia portuguesa, comparando este caso com outros similares do período colonial.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    From Rome to Goa : Domes in Goan Catholic Architecture

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